Coronavirus and Children

            As we all struggle with the uncertainty of our current climate, it’s important to remember the little ears and eyes picking up on our situation.  Coronavirus and its harsh effects on our political, social and economic realities are hard to ignore – so we need to be mindful of its effects in our home as well.  Here are some tips for addressing it with children.

The CDC recommends honesty and accuracy of conversation based on the age and developmental level of the child.  Talking openly about the information provided to us allows for a steady flow of communication of thoughts and ideas.  Particularly important is remaining open to conversations about worry – kids worry more when they aren’t being spoken to about items that are concerning.  Allowing children to voice their concerns and helping them to deal with their new realities as well.  They are being forced to isolate and to have their normal routines disrupted also. Be mindful of having the news on constantly - in front of young children but also in general as being bombarded with the negative images and facts can be emotionally draining.

A positive piece of the Coronavirus pandemic is the re-evaluation of hand-washing and other techniques to keep us safe. Explain to children that the way that we are protecting ourselves is practicing good hygiene. Sing your favorite songs as you wash your hands for 20 seconds.  Change into your favorite pajamas or costumes when you come in from walks.

A great piece of advice from the Child Mind Institute is dealing with our own anxieties.  In these times, speak to trusted friends and loved ones or even seek professional therapeutic help via online avenues.  It’s important to practice self-care in order to provide a role model for our children.

For more information and tips please check out these links:

CDC-Talking with Children about Coronavirus

Child Mind Institute - Talking to children about Coronavirus